Monday, March 15, 2010

peace with cleaning

i've been in a fighting mood for the past couple of weeks and my stress level has graced the ceiling {to say the least} but instead of letting it ruin me, i do what i always do - go to the library! there i found books upon books stuffed with ideas and enlightenment on how to be at peace with every situation i am going through.

the one piece of advice that stuck out the most is live in the moment. and i mean every moment! the books encouraged to "be aware of your arms and legs". in other words, be present in every activity that you partake in {from dishes, to laundry, to eating...}

so i decided to try this out yesterday...

first, i tried to enjoy cleaning the bathroom {something i generally dislike}. i thought about the lovely smell of the cleaner i was using {instead of the grime around the sink} and by the time i was finished i too felt refreshed.

secondly was laundry.  i actually don't mind doing laundry but typically i'll shut my door to dull the sound of the dryer but this time i left my door open, and read instead of watching the tele.  the annoyance of the dryer slowly turned into a melodic hum and soon i drifted into a much needed nap!

and thirdly, eating.  i am 100% guilty of not being present while eating.  i'm always on the run or watching television and before i know it, my meal is gone and i didn't even enjoy it. i couldn't believe how hard it was to actually turn off the t.v. but it was! but once i did, it was amazing how easy it was to focus on my meal and enjoy it! i tried it again this morning; turned off good morning america and thought about the food i was putting in my mouth {it was wonderful}

so, long winded post aside, the point i'm trying to make is easiest said by john lennon:


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