Sunday, September 5, 2010

must love boots

good thing these vince camuto KARENA boots are out of stock because i think i might just have to order a pair (and believe me, the last thing i need (don't confuse with want) is another pair of boots).

regardless, i love the impeccable lines on these riding boots and their flawless salute to fall.

Friday, July 16, 2010

long time, no shoes

it's been too long since my last post; i must apologize!  but a good product will always bring me back.  i have a soft spot in my heart for toms shoes - not only are they cool and comfy but for every pair purchased, a pair is given to a child in need; pretty cool if you ask me!

i've always been a keds kind of person but i may have to trade them in for a pair of  TOMS classics in natural canvas.

Monday, April 19, 2010

dream library

okay. i get the appeal of the kindle. but i still LOVE the smell of honest to goodness books!

and i love this library! i'll take one please.


Thursday, April 15, 2010


i love this ring. so cute and simple!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

addiction reduction

i used to spend an exorbitant amount of money on coffee (four bucks a day on skinny white mochas, lattes, scandinavian mocha-choca-chinos). up until yesterday, i still spent too much money on coffee albeit it only be two bucks a day on good ol' black coffee.  why waste money and paper cups on black coffee when i can make black coffee in the comfort of my own home you ask? it's all about the people my friends! i love my baristas and the happiness they bring me!

but after a rather entertaining conversation that started off discussing narcotics abuse but quickly turned to a conversation about how much money americans spend on coffee a year (coffee = my vice), i decided enough was enough and just by brewing my own coffee i'll save on average $50/mo ($600/yr). nice.

check out how much your coffee habit is costing you.

{my new friend - it's almost like the real thing!}


Friday, April 9, 2010

yikes bikes!

love this!


and this!


Monday, March 22, 2010

short stack

someone who shares my affinity for suitcases!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

yes, please

wedding invitation at noon without appointment that went on until 2:30. that throws a wrench into things {those that know how much i enjoy eating lunch at one can sympathize}. comfy grey lounger, yes please!

and these window treatments are too cool!


Monday, March 15, 2010

nerd tape

moving is a drag but this tape is AWESOME!

as if i wasn't a nerd already...

thanks u-haul and apartment therapy for introducing me to this painfully simple awesomeness!

peace with cleaning

i've been in a fighting mood for the past couple of weeks and my stress level has graced the ceiling {to say the least} but instead of letting it ruin me, i do what i always do - go to the library! there i found books upon books stuffed with ideas and enlightenment on how to be at peace with every situation i am going through.

the one piece of advice that stuck out the most is live in the moment. and i mean every moment! the books encouraged to "be aware of your arms and legs". in other words, be present in every activity that you partake in {from dishes, to laundry, to eating...}

so i decided to try this out yesterday...

first, i tried to enjoy cleaning the bathroom {something i generally dislike}. i thought about the lovely smell of the cleaner i was using {instead of the grime around the sink} and by the time i was finished i too felt refreshed.

secondly was laundry.  i actually don't mind doing laundry but typically i'll shut my door to dull the sound of the dryer but this time i left my door open, and read instead of watching the tele.  the annoyance of the dryer slowly turned into a melodic hum and soon i drifted into a much needed nap!

and thirdly, eating.  i am 100% guilty of not being present while eating.  i'm always on the run or watching television and before i know it, my meal is gone and i didn't even enjoy it. i couldn't believe how hard it was to actually turn off the t.v. but it was! but once i did, it was amazing how easy it was to focus on my meal and enjoy it! i tried it again this morning; turned off good morning america and thought about the food i was putting in my mouth {it was wonderful}

so, long winded post aside, the point i'm trying to make is easiest said by john lennon:


Monday, March 8, 2010

spring flowers

okay so it rained all day today but this dress makes me smile!

first of all, i LOVE these colors.  last week i did an auction basket for my grandmother and she told me that she didn't want me to use any fuchsia because she bought a fuchsia dress years ago and it was bad news haha.  i happen to love fuchsia {especially with the good company of  blossom and poppy colors}

the skirt is shaped by cut out, pleated 'petals'

i cut these flowers out with an exacto knife from a 'zinnia' paper from snow and graham that we currently carry {i love the 3d effect!}

the shell is made from a lightly printed vellum and although hard to see there is a small ribbon piping around the collar


my boss always says i create dresses that i would want to wear in real life {and she's right}

killer toast

oddly enough, i've had the biggest infatuation with toast slathered with jam lately.  is there anything better than crunchy bread with pure and simple jam slathered on top {at 7:30 in the morning on a monday morning}?

my combo of choice...

dave's killer bread {the 'good seed' variety}


i first read about dave in fortune magazine.  very interesting story!

and smucker's organic strawberry preserves. mmmm.


eat toast. go forth and conquer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the jeans have it

men are like jeans.  they look great on the shelf but when you put them on they pinch and gap in all the wrong places.

{however, i remain hopeful}

{the one, perhaps?}

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i love my wellies!

it is the PERFECT day for wellies! i so enjoy jumping in all the puddles!

{picked up these gems in london, love em love em love em}


Friday, February 19, 2010

guilty pleasure

i don't have a big jewelry selection by any means but i do have a huge weakness for fun cocktail rings. for a simple girl such as myself, a cocktail ring is an easy way to add interest to a casual outfit or add some glitter to a night out ...

{some current faves}





Thursday, February 18, 2010

word block

it's not very often that i am at a lack for words in regards to my work {or life in general, now that i think about it} but indeed it happens and i am left staring at the ceiling waiting for the perfect catch phrase or segue to pop into my head. i think i will blame my lack of inspiration on the fact that i haven't read a fiction novel in quite some time.  my favorite book of ALL time is Le Petite Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. I cry at the end every time and have a fleeting hope that there truly is a prince on asteroid B612 {if you haven't read the book then i imagine that this sounds rather nuts..}

a teacher of mine in junior high gave me my first copy of le petite prince but i never even read it until years later. {i'm so glad i did - thank you mrs. corn!}

if ever you are lacking inspiration, i highly recommend grabbing a copy of le petite prince!

or even better, this pop-up book from anthro that i've been eyeing...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


believe me, i don't spend much time coveting cleaning products but i've been wanting to get a few products from caldrea. we use their stuff at work and i love the smell and the packaging {again, perhaps silly} but if you have to clean you may as well jazz it up any way that you can!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

unfamiliar territory

so i bought my first whisk this past weekend... i know, it's sad.  i can't bake {or cook} to save my life.  fortunately, i was with someone who can! and we had a heck of a time and made some wonderful food {real food!}

it was glorious.

now i find myself dreaming about kitchen accessories that i need {want} to complete my kitchen because of course i'm going to be the next best pastry chef. . . or maybe i'll stick to reading the directions and chopping things when i'm told {baby steps}

until then, maybe some cute measuring spoons? i think i can handle that at least...



Thursday, February 11, 2010

home stretch

the lease on my current apartment is almost up (okay so it's actually three months out...) and so i'm getting excited about moving and thinking about all the wonderful things i'm going to do (or wish i could do) with my next place...

a girl can dream.

about an all white bathroom...


classy bed clothes from anthro...


chalkboard paint for chronic list makers (such as myself)...


and wallpaper that makes you day dream.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

i love this dress

hopefully one day soon i'll actually start sewing (i should start by taking the machine out of the box...)

but in the meantime i LOVE this dress and would equally love to create something like it someday

(thank you marie claire and isaac mizrahi for this eye candy)

Friday, January 29, 2010

easily amused

"you are sociable and entertaining"


Thursday, January 21, 2010

patent leather loveliness

i guess the photographer liked my shoes as much as i do!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

wedding invitation!

a lovely shot of the invitation i did for my brother's wedding (which went without a hitch by the way, pun intended)

more pics to come!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

valentine's window

thank GOODNESS i was finally able to uninstall the holiday window that was up for too long.  it feels good to be able to "dress" the mannequinn again.  hope you like!



go here to see the rest!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

wedding jitters!

okay, so it's my brother's wedding but i'm still sooo excited! and i'm a bridesmaid too so i'm a little nervous about walking in my (awesome) shoes but i know it'll be a great time regardless!

being in the invitation business, i get sucked into all that wedding planning junk so i can't help but think about what i would want for my wedding...

if i were to get married today i think i would want these kate spade invitations...


and this vera wang dress...


although i could see myself getting married in vegas so maybe this crazy dress...


who knows.... in the mean time, wish us all a stress-free rehearsal and a rockin' wedding on friday!