Sunday, November 22, 2009

my favorite pieces

one of the major setbacks of living in an apartment is the inability to permanently modify anything (ie. no painting)... sometimes i get a little bummed over the matter, but then i think about all the cool stuff i've brought in to spruce things up a bit... here are a few of my favorite things

 a wedding gift to my parents 27 years ago - a vase to me

jack and lulu (i can't help but name inanimate objects) set atop an antique anheuser-busch crate

i got the american tourister at a yard sale and the samsonite from the youth ranch (which has pink polka dot lining!)

i got these cool hand-carved crayons at a pittsburgh flea market this summer


i gotta have my boots! my texan grandparents sent me these lovely cowboy wonders for my birthday a couple years ago and i picked up the hunters in london last winter

framing greeting cards (and wrapping paper) is one of my favorite, and inexpensive ways to keep things fresh!

hand painted ceramic plates from anthro

pretty handles from anthro

got this avon leather after shave at an estate sale in new york a few summers ago - it still has a wonderful smell to it too!

the epitome of class, the lovely audrey hepburn

a hint of cool made possible by ikea (chair) and urban outfitters (rug)

and my beautiful cruiser, roxy

1 comment:

  1. Together, these all paint a perfect picture of the wonderful, amazing you!
